Version 1.4 + about a Web version + Game Jams

Version 1.4 is out; still many things to correct, but I wanted to mark this small milestone, as the dioxygen doors are now operated according to what I originally intended: you use some dioxygen bottle(s) to hijack them, and then they stay unlocked. I also added a level (currently level 4 ‘The Dioxygen Tower: Ascent’), which could be seen as a tutorial level for the descending/ascending mechanic.

It also helps showing that the distortion and bubble-sound effects change when you go deeper (the waves get wider and slower, while there are more sounds); this is actually present since the first version, but may not have been that obvious owing to the limited number of layers in the previous levels. This one has ten (hence its title).

(Also, recently (04/07/2022) added a small animated GIF to the game page, as the static ones did not do justice to the submarine distortion effect nor to the camera. The resolution is low because I wanted to show several things and thus used a longer time frame.)

Love2D and Web version

I tinkered yesterday with how to convert a Love2D game into a Web version; you can produce either a so-called ‘compatibility’ version or a normal version. It turns out that the compatibility version crashes when using, and causes some kind of sound asynchronicity (testing this with La Faim d’Elvis got funny, as its music is produced on the fly through the Denver library!).

So I turned to the normal version… which gave me another kind of bug, although well known and whose solution should be simple. I tried adding those HTTP headers (through meta tags), but it does not seem to work; this may just be a silly mistake on my part (I am no Web developer), which is why I hope to solve this soon, so that I can upload a demo Web version.

Game Jams

Mini Jam 109 has been exhausting (it cost me some almost sleepless nights!), but I am back on my feet since a few days ago and feeling active. I still have to test more games out of said Mini Jam 109, doing it reasonably. Nevertheless, as I am also willing to continue to challenge myself and test out my creativity, I may participate in Mini Jam 110 (although I may be hindered by some other activities), and should participate in GMTK Game Jam 2022 (although Mark Brown seems somewhat politically correct, but the game jam in itself does not look harmful; what’s more, reflexion games have their place there, and I tend to favour them). I also think taking a closer look at the Ct.js framework, to see if it is worth it or not to create games more quickly in a game jam context.

This means that enhancing Breathe Heart (and La Faim d’Elvis) could be on hold for a little while (but not too long). Anyway, I am motivated. :)


  • Dioxygen doors behave through hijacking.
  • Added level 4 ‘The Dioxygen Tower: Ascent’.


Breathe Heart (1.4).love 332 kB
Jul 06, 2022
Breathe Heart (macOS 1.4).zip 10 MB
Jul 06, 2022
Breathe Heart (Windows 1.4).zip 4.1 MB
Jul 06, 2022

Get Breathe Heart

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