Navigator version

(06/10/2022) Transferring the current debugging information for navigator version 1.0 (from the Ludum Dare game page) below for reference.

  • Navigator: Disclaimer: fullscreen was fiddling heavily with the navigator version, so, only desktop ones are available. In case I manage to make a navigator version work by tweaking the resolution, I will put it — this seems legitimate as bug fixing, but please tell me if you disagree.
    • (03/10/2022) Edit: made it! The navigator version works on (and uses a smaller resolution than the desktop version), although it does not with Ludum Dare’s own embedding (I get a nasty ‘DOMException: The operation is insecure.’, possibly because of resolution change at the beginning of the game). I think this falls under ‘porting’ and thus totally abides by the rules.
    • (03/10/2022) New edit: there is a sound-related bug that causes this version to crash if you reset a level during daytime… Trying to solve it as soon as possible; holding back this version meanwhile, sorry for the inconvenience if you cannot play a desktop version.
    • (03/10/2022) New new edit: bug apparently solved! (For the curious: love.js forces you to be extra careful not to ask to stop a sound that is not playing, apparently, while standard Love2D desktop versions do not.)

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