Navigator version

(27/10/2022) Transferring the current notice about the navigator version below for reference.

I also made a navigator version, but at the very last second and could almost publish it… Sorry for those that cannot play the (only) Windows version.

UPDATE (11/09/2022): navigator version now online! Side story for nerds: It turns out there was a shader problem that would make it crash, because type-checking is stricter for the online version of the language than on desktop (the very same thing happened with Dragon Bike in the meantime!), and an internal shader initialisation was also illegal, so I did not have a running navigator version just before publishing. X) Anyway, it is a blessing in disguise, as I wanted to confirm that not having a navigator version during the reviewing process would deter less serious reviewers, and this may have been the case. :)

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Sep 11, 2022

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